Enriched pumpkin dough is just too good to pass on and not make these sourdough pumpkin burger buns. Yes, I really adore this dough, as you can see from a number of bread-type variations I have already made. What is there not to love. These buns are super delicious, melt in your mouth soft, and hold the burger and all its condiments so well. One of the most essential aspects of the dough is that not much butter goes into this dough due to the moistness of the pumpkin itself. So less butter but still great creamy and “buttery” taste. Definitely a win-win situation.

The Recipe
The recipe used for these sourdough pumpkin burger buns is the same as in the sourdough pumpkin dinner rolls until the step shaping the rolls.
Shaping the Burger Buns
The process involves several steps:
- Place a silicone mat or parchment paper on a large baking tray.
- Divide the dough so that each piece weighs 3.6oz (103g). You should have 13 buns.
- Shape each piece into a ball. The easiest way to do this is to place the dough on a clean surface without any flour. Dust the palm of your hand with flour and shake the excess off. Cup the palm of your hand and place it on top of the dough. Make circles with your hand in a counterclockwise motion with medium to fast speed, cupping the dough slightly underneath with your small finger and the thumb. After about 5 revolutions, you should have a nice round ball. If you feel your hand sticks to the dough, dust it with a bit more flour. Just make sure there is no flour on the bottom of the working surface, as this will prevent the bun’s nice round closed shape. Make sure to punch the bottom if it is not appropriately sealed.
- Dust the bottom part of the bun with flour and place it on the baking tray. Make sure that there is plenty of room between each bun as they will double in size.
- Repeat with all other dough pieces.
- Cover the buns with the plastic wrap and let it prove for 2-3 hours at about 24ºC (75ºF) ambient temperature.

Baking the Buns
- In the last hour of the proofing time, preheat the oven to 250ºC (480ºF). For a more accurate measurement of the oven temperature, you can use the oven thermometer.
- The buns should have significantly increased in size when ready to bake, and the dough should be super soft.
- Next, prepare the egg wash by mixing one small egg and 1/4 teaspoon of date syrup. The date syrup gives an extra layer of color and shine when baked.
- Place the buns in the oven and immediately decrease the oven temperature to 200ºC (400ºF). Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the buns are golden in color and baked through.
You can check if the buns are done by inserting a clean toothpick in the center. If it comes out clean, they are done.
Cool the buns to room temperature before serving, and enjoy!
Now you just need to decide which burger and what condiments to enjoy these buns with.

Happy baking!